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Website Tools and HTML Editors


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FreeAds2000 - Free ads and FFA links in one!

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Investigate anyone with Net Detective!

AOLPress 2.0 (3.40 Mb) A WYSIWYG HTML editor that lets you actually edit on screen without looking at html commands. Many features including better image map handling and "Bird's eye" graphical views (icon tree or listed by name, title, or file type) of all your Web sitet, a spell checker built in, and color and face font attributes, and the new tags for tables that are in HTML 3.2 Support for frames and much more.

Zzzbla's HTML Compressor 1.01 - 15K As simple as that. Just like the name says - the program compresses HTML files, sometimes up to a few kilobytes. The main purpose of the program is to make the file unreadable by people who try to read the HTML code.

HTMLNotepadPlus 1.00.0001 790 k HTML Notepad Plus is a notepad clone made for HTML editing. Makes HTML-coding more powerful with functions like multiple windows and a useful toolbar.

Internet Creator 4.05 - 5.2M Easy to use website creator. Left side has Windows styled tree structure showing layout of site. East to add and edit pages. This site was originally created with Internet Creator 4.  I knew no HTML prior to building my site.

 Web Page Analyser - 1.2b - 531K Analyses and reports on the links and images used in a web page or set of web pages. Reports any incorrect links or missing images.

 QuickPAD v1.012 - 255 K Editor for textfiles / html. Fully user-customizable. Makes it easy to write and test html documents.

 WWW Publisher 2.0 (616 kb) Small, Fast HTML Editor for Quick Editing Jobs, MDI interface, large documents, search/replace.          

 HTML-Kit 1.0 - 1.7M  An easy to use HTML code editor and validator with support for the World Wide Web Consortium's HTML TIDY. The drag and drop editor features syntax highlighting, UNIX style regular expressions find/replace, unlimited undo/redo and more.

Psyral Phobia - v2.0 - 92K If you don't want people to just steal your HTML code, you will want to incorporate Psyral Phobia.

 Themes for MS FrontPage 98 - v2.0 - 731K Theme Mart is the place to get exciting new themes for use with Microsoft FrontPage 98.


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