SuperCharged Wallpapers - 1.26M There
are 10 - 640 x 480 JPG images to brighten up your desktop. Included are images
of Princess Diana, Mona Lisa, the Blue Angels, an orchid and a great 3D image
from Pac Man.
Air Traffic Control v1.01
Air Traffic Control v1.01 is a free screen
saver module for Windows 95 and Windows NT PCs. This screen saver module
simulates an air traffic control radar display including digitized audio
communications between controllers and pilots.
IE5.0 Wallpapers v1.0 715K
Dr. Dolittle Theme -v1.0 - 722K A
theme based on the movie, Dr. Dolittle, with wallpaper, cursors, icons and
bai DESIGN's The X-Files SCR - v1.0 -
315K Really cool X-Files screensavers.
Includes the complete theme song and has a rotating cube with 6 pictures
from the show.
Alligator - 909K Slide show of
Fighter planes Screensaver - 972K A
gallery of 20 Fighter Aircraft
Tabasco Dance Hall - 1.7M
A promotional screensaver for Tabasco Company, 'creatures' dancing to
cajun music.
Waterfalls Screen Saver - 940K In
this screen saver, watch real photos of waterfalls come to life and come
pouring out of your screen. Very much like watching a movie. This is a one
of their most popular screen savers. Complete with sound effects and includes
3 different waterfalls. .
Rugrats Theme - 1.3M A Desktop Theme
based on the popular cartoon series Rugrats.
Frogs Screen Saver 839K Budweiser Frogs (from the TV commercial)
Screen Saver. |