1.4 - 359K Multi-Tabed information / text editor
+ manager.."
PasteIt - 736K Have 9 clipboards
in Windows.
Classic Clipboard -
1M Classic
Clipboard can store up to an amazing three thousand clips, yet any one clip
can be selected and pasted with not more than two mouse clicks. This is achieved
by displaying clips in groups of about 100 at a time.
Clipboard Magic -
984k Clipboard Magic
is a freeware Windows Clipboard archiving tool. Any text copied to the Windows
clipboard is automatically archived. This text may be copied back to the
clipboard with a click of the mouse. Text may also be edited and added manually,
clipboard lists may also be saved to a file to be loaded later.
ClipPlus - v3.6 -
520K Maintain a list of your most
recent clipboa
v1.012 - 255 K Editor for textfiles
/ html. Fully user-customizable. Makes it easy to write and test html
documents.rd entries and save any of your favorite Clips for future use.
v1.35 - 820K The program TextViewer
is for fast viewing of text files in DOS , Windows, KOI8, Mac, ISO encodings,
and also text of format RTF. Some features: unlimited text size, font and
background colors, drag and Drop, search, replace, print preview and
Clip History - 138K
ClipHistory is a clipboard enhancement
Super Clip - 3.44M Clipboard allows
storing, sorting and editing of clips.
Pro - 2.07M Freeware version of Scratchpad
- 1.42M Text to Speech from ClipBoard.
EditPad 3.4.1-
291K EditPad
is a powerful replacement for Windows Notepad. It features an easy installation
(one .exe file, no messy DLLs), ability to open as many files as you want,
can open EXTREMELY large files, fast access from Systray, powerful print
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