anyone with Net Detective!
MBM - V2.7b3 - 385K
Did you ever dream of having two computers in one? Now
it's possible! MBM will help you to intall two or even more versions of Windows
on one computer.
HJ Split
- 109K HJSplit splits large files into
smaller ones. Of course, it can join the split parts back together
Mini Apps - V1.34 - 2.8M
Twenty five free software
in one install: Alarm Clock, AlphaBook, AttriBat (file attribute control),
BlockIt, Tape Calculator, 2 Calendars, Change Video Resolution, RGB Color
converter, Drives Info, File Inventory, 2 IconViewers, Long File Name Backup
and Restore, Make Shortcut, Move files and folders, MyNotes Lite, MyNotes,
Sort Lines Alphabetically, Resources and Swap file Meter, Resources Monitor,
Submission Info, Stay OnTop Text, US and Country area codes, Win95/98 Config
registry settings helper. Option to remove unwanted programs. Words can't
explain these valuable mini utilities, check them out. Requires VB 5.0 Runtime
My Old safe - 709K Quick
and easy password protection for your files. Just drag a file to the "Safe"
to lock it away from prying eyes. Maintains record of all encrypted files
- Just drag it out to restore.
OpenUtilities99 - 3.9M
OpenUtilities99 is a useful all-in-one utility set. It ranges from
Disk, AntiVirus, Security, Compresion and Internet Protection. It includes
OpenDoctor99 1.0 (cleans your HDD), OpenZIP99 2.0 (a freeware zip/unzip
application), DesktopShield99 1.01 (locks you desktop to prevent unauthorized
access) and more.
'99 - 466K PowerReg '99 gives you the hidden features in the
Windows Registry so your computer runs in a better condition ever. PowerReg
'99 gives you the tips, tricks, and tweaks for your computer so it runs in
a perfect condition always.
Messcleaner v2.0 - 450K Scan your system
by file extension(s) or size, delete or move the results manually or
automatically. Delete the contents of nine directories completely (use file
filters and/or timer). Scan startmenu shortcuts for deadlinks. Scan for file
Shortcut Doctor - v1.0 - 1.8M Autility
program who help you to remove automaticaly any invalid shortcut from Start
Menu. He have an options to scan Start Menu on every Windows start or
II Beta 3.2 1.2 MB SysEnhance II is unique
system optimization software, dealing directly with hardware. It configures
the PCI chipset (or Host Bridge), the Processor, and other components, such
as the TCP/IP connection. After detecting your hardware, it automatically
proposes the best optimization for your system. Almost all recent components
are supported, processors from AMD, Cyrix, Intel, IDT, and chipsets from
Intel, VIA, and in the future SiS and ALi, plus display adapters from Matrox.
The ability to configure Windows with the registry has recently been added,
in order to provide a complete configuration and optimization solution.
1.0 134K Unfrag hunts down compound files and defragments
them. These files are created by Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and other
applications that support OLE (Object Linking and Embedding). The files often
become fragmented and thus take up an inordinate amount of hard disk
Registry Saver - v1.0 -
87K Makes a copy of your registry every time you start windows.
In the event it gets corrupted you simply run a batch file to restore
2.0 - 186K Freewheel lets you use your Intellimouse scroll
button to scroll in applications where it normally doesn't. I use it
and Restore - v1.1 - 24K Copies autoexec,config,win.ini
system ini system & user.dat files into seperate folder. restores any
or all if Windows95 fails to boot correctly due to program confilict. DOS
based to restore without windows.
Web 4.02 - 1.1M Here's a neat and free! web-browser integrated
virus scanner. Whenever you download a file, ViruSafe Web pops up, scans
the file and will save it to your hard drive only if the file is virus-free!
The utility is otherwise totally transparent. The publisher, EliaShim has
a full range of anti-virus and anti-vandal security applications.
- 32K Encryption program that allows you to make any file
- v2.0 - 495K This is a recovery program that is extremely
powerful! It is fully functional and easy to use. It will backup and restore
the following files:Autoexec.bat, Config.sys,, IO.sys, MSDOS.sys,
Protocol.ini, System.da0,System.dat, System.ini, User.da0, User.dat,
Win.ini,should a corruption happen. It also has an install and uninstall
program with instructions.
FreeMem Standard -
156K FreeMem Standard is a good choice to give
applications the memory (RAM) they need. On an individual basis, you can
free up an amount of memory and thereby you avoid unnecessary swapping of